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About GoogleWebs


GoogleWebs is the most secure, faster and verified global website directory. With increase of online scammers which have resulted to millions of parody websites and social medias channels we decided to come up with a filtered web directory which offer only verified website and their respective social media links.

To make it faster and efficient we further classify the links per countries and general web categories unlike in other search engines and web directories. These saves your time from scrolling and clicking insecure and unrelated websites links.

  • SECURE ~ No risk of clicking phising or hackers links.

  • FASTER ~ NO need of going through unrelated links.

  • VERIFIED ~ Only view verified and related websites.

GoogleWebs Team

Lead Experts Includes

Louis Sullivan


Perato Peterson


Fiona Dean


Cherish Sosa



What others Says About GoogleWebs

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"Secure and verified internet content is something many tech companies have not been able to achieve. Luckily GoogleWebs team is up to task to solve this challenge. Its not an easy task but where there is determination there is success. We are looking forward on working with them to make this journey a success.".

client christine rose

Sarah Gerweck

Google CTO

"To verify over 500 millions individuals profiles and business websites is not an easy process. Its a task that requires a lot of resources and time which obviously can’t be handled by an individual. Its as a lot of this that we are requesting your financial support to help us facilitate hundreds of GoogleWebs volunteers who are working day and night to make internet a safe place place for all.." Louis Sullivan - CEO